25 Truths About Pearls

Jun 22, 2015

Pearls have been a classic jewelry choice for centuries, with their simplistic yet eye-catching beauty. The pearl’s popularity should come as no surprise—its pure, timeless presence proceeds it! The pearl is truly the queen of all gemstones. Pearls are not your average birthstone—they are truly the queen of gemstones. Check out the following facts to learn a few unexpected truths… Read more »

Perfect Places to Propose in Washington DC

Jun 12, 2015

Washington DC is known for many things: it is home to a long list of historic monuments and museums, the host of the world-renowned cherry blossom festival, the venue for countless presidential inaugurations—and it has continued to be the backdrop for countless perfect proposals! With the beautiful scenery, iconic architecture and unmatched historical significance found here, what better place to propose than in… Read more »

The Dramatic Difference Between Antique, Vintage & Estate Jewelry

Jun 8, 2015

DC Vintage and Estate Ring

Defining Estate, Vintage, and Antique Jewelry in Washington, DC: A Guide from Charles Schwartz & Son Jewelers Charles Schwartz & Son, Washington D.C.’s oldest jeweler, is here to shed light on the often-confused terms: estate, vintage, and antique jewelry. We here at Charles Schwartz & Son take great pride in our extensive jewelry knowledge and experience as… Read more »